A 35-minute documentary film by Pleasantville resident and Films On Purpose co-founder Andrea Garbarini following a national movement of grannies as they journey to McAllen, Texas protesting the separation of migrant children from their families. After the film, there will be a panel discussion about the family separation crisis and what we can all do to address these issues in our own community. Panelists will include Film Director Andrea Garbarini, Executive Director of Neighbors Link Carola Otero Bracco, and one of the grandmothers featured in the film.
Join Films On Purpose with Neighbors Link
for a very special screening of
Thursday, March 7, 2019
6:00 pm reception
7:00 pm screening
7:40 pm panel discussion to follow film
Pleasantville Presbyterian Church
400 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
This film is free and open to the public.